Lions Jarramas stipend for Yasmeen Jaghbeer and Yvonne Motyka

LCI emblem_2C_287+7406For the second year running, Lions Jarramas offers two stipends to thesis students from the MSPI- and MSLS programs who makes a contribution towards a more sustainable society.

The Lions Jarramas Stipend

To support our international students coming to Sweden from far away to learn about sustainable development and to support a more sustainable society, Lions Jarramas in Karlskrona offers, for the second year running, two stipends of 10.000 SEK each.

This year’s winners

This year from MSPI Yasmeen Jaghbeer and Yvonne Motyka have been awarded a stipend of 10.000 SEK for their thesis “Roadmap towards a Lean and Sustainable Production for Medium Sized Manufacturers: A Case Study”.

For MSLS, Méabh Carey, Alex Harned, and Dayna Stein have been awarded 10.000 SEK for their thesis “Addressing Food Waste as a Contribution to Strategic Sustainable Development within Vancouver, BC.”

We congratulate the students on their work, and extend our gratitude to Lions for their valuable contribution to our students!

Lions Club Jarramas was founded in 1979 in Karlskrona and currently has about 55 members. Their mission is contribute towards a better and more humane world. Their annual activities includes the Lions Train during the summer in Karlskrona, the Garden Fair (Trädgårdsmässa) in Wämöparken in May, and Bubbetorps Christmas Market in December.